The Benefits Of A Proper Study Plan

access_time 2019-12-08T14:50:19.38Z face Krishan Chahal Study Skills

Many people may not accept it, but our educational system is in an unpleasant situation. Besides having a short supply of school instructors, the students are made to pay attention on textbooks, instead of giving them a hands-on experience that will help in developing their knowledge or skills. Many students only want to pass the grading system, reading books and stuffing them in their minds in a hurry, so that they can top the exam. It is a sad thing that when the exam is over, all the information that the students have learned are easily forgotten.

This is the reason why every learner should have a proper study plan. This is an organized schedule that outlines learning goals and study times. Without this study plan, a pupil’s performance will suffer and their efforts won’t produce positive results. 

In creating a study plan, there should be a specific goal. Items should be arranged in accordance with importance and every subject should have a time duration assigned. A study plan can be successful, if it is followed religiously, with sincerity and with a determination to succeed.

Here are the benefits of a good study plan:

* A study plan helps a student to have a sense of direction. It will remove confusion, which will be replaced by a clear action plan that involves some little thinking or planning.

* A study plan can make the student’s studies be arranged in a systematic way. When things are organized, they can feel in command, so that they can deal with everything easily and efficiently.

* Since there are goals to be achieved, each goal that has been accomplished motivates a student to proceed with working on another goal. As they gain an improved understanding of the concepts, they will begin to enjoy the process.

* When study plans are followed regularly, stress levels go down.

* There will be no build-up of work, when subjects are studied according to priority. Therefore, a student need not study during unreasonably late hours. Relatively, studying at regular hours teaches a student control, as well as enhances their concentration.

* There will not be a sudden feeling of uncontrollable fear with a good study plan. Instead, the student can relax and still find time to do some leisure activities that can refresh their minds. This will make them ready for the next day’s session.

To avoid disappointments, the goals should be realistic. They should be achievable, so as not to make the student lose confidence or hope. Every student should be trained to conquer every temptation with determination and they should be advised to stay away from other students with a careless attitude. Whenever help is needed, nothing should stop them from seeking it.

At first, a study plan may look like an impossible undertaking, which is why it is important to remember to have it followed sincerely. Having a strictly done study plan can result in rich and long lasting rewards, regardless of whether the educational system is flawed or not.